Our Story
Our Story
Our story begins in 2012 with our founder, Peter launching his own retail shop. Having always had a natural entrepreneurial spirit ever since he began selling sweets and other snack foods in school at the age of 14, he decided to opt out of further education in favour of launching his own local business at the age of 18.
Commencing with a small retail outlet specialising in candles and gift-ware in his local hometown of Dromore, he sold an extensive range of various brands of candles. It wasn't long before he was expanding and opening a second store in a neighbouring town. This retail background lead to a wide knowledge of the best selling brands, including their features and failings. Using customer feedback he soon realised that there was a need for a competitively priced luxury Irish Candle.
In the Summer of 2014 Lasair Candles was born. Lasair is the Irish word for Flame.
So after many months of making, testing and improving, Lasair Candles were finally ready to sell to the public. It wasn't long before we were supplying not only our own stores, but other retailers also, both with the Lasair Candle brand and 'own brand' labelling. With the growth we seen in our first year it was decided that we would switch our full focus to the manufacturing and development of the Lasair Candles brand, leading to the decision to close our retail outlets.
Since those early years building the brand we have continued to develop an ever growing collection of styles of candles and scents which allow our customers to experience the true essence of Ireland. Not only has our collection of candles expanded but so has our family, Grace and Peter got married in July 2020 after having to postpone their wedding due to Covid-19 and then shortly after rescued Sequoia (the Husky) from a shelter, he is now the chief candle sniffer!